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Houston Health Department Service Linkage Program

Living with HIV requires a consistent medical care regimen, and the Houston Health Department’s HIV Service Linkage Program is designed to connect people diagnosed with HIV to primary medical care and other support services. The program helps HIV-positive individuals — who are newly diagnosed or who are not currently accessing HIV care — by providing them with short-term, intensive support in engaging with an HIV care provider. The HIV Service Linkage Program is adaptable to your individual needs and may include the following services:

Dr. Gioia's Personal Story

  • Provider Selection: Identifying and connecting with doctors experienced in treating people living with HIV.
  • Financial Assistance: Enrolling in programs that help pay for doctor’s visits and medications.
  • Case Management: Referral to medical case management services through doctor’s offices.
  • Ancillary Services:Connecting with social service organizations providing: Substance Abuse Counseling, Mental Health Services, Dental Care, Transportation Assistance, Food Assistance, Housing/Rental Assistance, etc.
  • Self-Help Hotline: Service to Linkage Referral Self-Help Hotline: 832-393-5010

Health Programs

PrEP is approved for daily use and is taken in pill form.  It significantly reduces the risk of HIV infection in people who are HIV negative. 
Find out more about PrEP
Getting and keeping your HIV under control is the best thing people living with HIV can do to stay healthy.
Find out more about Treatment as Prevention
HHD Centers
Assistance for anyone getting tested for HIV and getting started on PrEP after getting tested for eligibility.
Find out more
PrEP Providers
Houston area HIV care providers
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HIV Providers
Houston area HIV care providers
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